Top 10 must-haves for 0-3 months old...

…and other practical advise that will save you money Did I buy too many things? Yes! As a first time mom, I was really nervous, so I read so many reviews and watched so many mommas youtubers that I ended up so confused and bought way too much stuff!

Perfect gift for expecting moms and new moms

I remember googling desperately what to get my friends that had babies before me and coming across some pretty expensive gifts that were beautifully wrapped, but always included things I didn’t think they would like or a price tag that was over my budget.

Best advice for new moms (best read before becoming one)

Through the hormones, the sleepless nights, the constant worry for your baby to be well, the need to cry (sometimes or all the time), the attempt to get some sleep and something to eat (really anything as long as it’s edible), here I am, just passed my 4th trimester (baby is almost 5 months old now) telling you to also secure some you time.